How to Provide Liquidity
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Providing Liquidity is very similar to how liquidity on other DEXs work, such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap.
Firstly, go to the pool page of the dXCAD DEX which can be found here.
Connect your EVM wallet & choose the networks and tokens you want to pair with XCAD (please note you must have the token pair in the same wallet).
Enter the number of tokens you would like to pair, which will then calculate the amount of paired tokens you need (You must pair an equal USD value of tokens together) and click the “Approve” button.
Once you have clicked the approve button, confirm the transaction in your wallet. Once the transaction has been confirmed, click the “Add Liquidity” button which adds the tokens as Liquidity.
Once providing liquidity, you will earn the rewards shown in the “Your Liquidity” section which come from a fee from the transactions on the pair you are providing liquidity for.